Motivation is one of the most powerful human drivers. It can push people to perform past their limits and reach new heights. But what does motivation have to do with employees and the workplace?

As leaders or managers, an important part of our role is to ensure the well-being of our team members. Other than guaranteeing good physical and mental health, one way to safeguard their well-being is by cultivating a healthy, positive, and conducive work culture and environment. Adding motivation to the equation can make employees feel happy, satisfied, and driven.

In this article, we’ll give some of the most notable reasons why employee motivation is critical in the workplace. Aside from that, we’ll offer some tips on how leaders can increase the motivation of their team members. 


Strengthens employee commitment

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Loyal employees are sometimes difficult to come by. With phenomena like silent quitting becoming more and more prevalent, it is important for team leaders to find ways to strengthen their employees’ commitment to their work and the business.

A high level of employee motivation can prevent team members from leaving the company. Highly motivated employees are content and satisfied with their current work conditions and are committed to maintaining their position in the organization. 

Employee motivation can also bring out commitment to consistently perform to the best of their ability and work with the company’s welfare in mind. 


Encourages growth and development

Motivation is also a powerful driver for people to strive to learn new things and develop their skills. A highly motivated employee in the workplace will likely leverage and grab opportunities to help them grow their careers and selves. 

They are more willing to attend seminars, take training courses, or simply study to hone their skills and expand their knowledge. This, in turn, will reflect in the quality of their work, efficiency, and productivity. Businesses benefit the more skilled their employees become. 


Increases efficiency and productivity

An increase in work efficiency and productivity is an important goal for team leaders and business owners. The more cost-efficient, effective, and productive employees are, the more company objectives are achieved.

Motivated employees tend to enjoy their work and condition that tasks come in and through like a breeze. They are less likely to slack off as they find satisfaction and joy in what they are doing. Aside from that, they are also content with what the company is providing to them as compensation.

On the flip side, unmotivated employees can greatly affect business processes and workflow. These employees would typically take longer to finish their tasks, causing delays. In addition, the lack of motivation to work makes them most likely to be tardy or unproductive in the office.

Unmotivated employees can feel highly disengaged at work. This can be related to their tasks, their colleagues, or the work culture and environment. While it’s possible for disengaged employees to continue working, their less-than-ideal condition may be reflected in the quality of their work.

However, some unmotivated employees act out their grievances. Their actions and demeanor create an unconducive environment, affecting work and the people around them. 


Cultivates positivity and camaraderie

Source: Unsplash


Generally, highly motivated employees are happy. They don’t have any complaints about where they’re at and what they are doing. Considering this, a team filled with motivated team members creates a fun and light atmosphere where everyone gets along, and conflicts are resolved professionally. 

However, this dynamic is not limited to team members or individuals in the same position or level as each other. A more critical relationship that affects motivation revolves around managers and employees. 

Bad managers can easily be a reason for an employee to feel disengaged or, worse, quit. Considering this, it is critical for team leaders to foster a positive relationship with their team members. 

Other than that, employee motivation can also be an effective driving tool to encourage team and collaborative work. People sharing the same goal and feeling highly motivated to meet them can bring out the best, leading to amazing results. 


Fosters creativity and innovation

As mentioned earlier feeling highly motivated can drive people to do things and perform at a level they haven’t before. In line with this, another characteristic of motivated people is that they aren’t easily swayed or discouraged when faced with a problem or challenge. Thus, this attitude pushes people to be more creative and innovative.

High levels of employee motivation can withstand any obstacle. They are more willing to come up with and test unorthodox solutions. Aside from that, motivated people persist through mistakes and failures. 


Practical Tips To Improve Employee Motivation In The Workplace

Now that you have a better understanding of employee motivation and how it affects the workplace let’s look into some tips on boosting your team’s motivation level.


Build and Foster

When it comes to managing a team, one of the most important responsibilities of a leader is to create a positive work culture and environment. Failing to do so can easily and effectively impair the dynamics in the workplace. 

Before focusing on individual factors involved in motivating employees, it is essential for leaders to build a foster an environment that will cater to their team’s needs. More than that, it is important for team leaders to foster a culture that motivates people to work at their best.

Some employees lack motivation not because of individual or personal circumstances but because their company has a stifling and constricting system in place. This can be in the form of repressive policies, unbendable rules, or even overwhelming workloads without enough compensation.

To effectively deal with this, team leaders can send out surveys and ask for feedback directly from their team members. Learning what your employees are struggling with can help you create more appropriate and apt solutions. 

But more than that, it is critical that team leaders continue to create a positive work culture and environment by institutionalizing these reforms. Avoid temporary or band-aid solutions as these can further irate employees due to the management’s lack of commitment to tend to their problems.


Ask and Communicate

Arguably the most effective way for team leaders to increase the drive of their employees is to learn about them. Knowing what motivates each employee gives leaders a clear picture of what they want and need and allows them to make the necessary changes and adjustments.

However, a critical part of this is that there should be a positive relationship between managers and their team members. The work environment itself should encourage open communication so that employees can honestly share their thoughts without the fear of punishment. 



The level of motivation in employees can easily make or break a business. A team filled with unmotivated employees would lead to poor performance. On the other hand, high levels of motivation bring out the best in people, making them the most creative, innovative, productive, and effective they can be. 

Considering this, it is important for team leaders to understand what motivates their employees and how to boost their motivation. To do this,  leaders must know where their team member’s motivation comes from. This allows them to tend to their team’s wants and needs and effectively increase their motivation. 

But more than that, it is critical that team leaders continue to foster a positive work environment that effectively motivates employees on a day-to-day basis. From competitive compensation to expansive benefits and colleagues encouraging them to grow, leaders need to establish a conducive work culture and environment to motivate their team to work effectively. 


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