Did you know that people work harder and better when they have a goal in mind? According to a recent study, individuals experience a 20% to 25% increase in productivity by simply setting a goal they want to achieve. 

While goal setting is not exactly a new concept, it is only recently that studies have paid attention to its role and effect on people’s productivity, organization, and management. To give you a better understanding of the concept, this article aims to explore goal setting in depth and offer strategies for better and more effective goal-setting tactics. 


What Is Goal Setting?

Source: Unsplash

To start, let’s define what exactly is goal setting. In the simplest sense, goal setting is the act of establishing desired objectives to be met within a given time frame. 

People do it on the regular, creating a daily or weekly to-do list, coming up with new year resolutions, and the like. It is primarily a motivation tool that is supposed to motivate and encourage people to take actionable steps to achieve their goals.


How Goal Setting Helps In Boosting Productivity

While goal setting is common practice, there is a significant difference when it comes to setting goals to increase productivity. A key element of effective goal setting lies in its ability to create a sense of purpose as well as provide a guide or idea on the steps needed to be taken to reach a particular outcome.

But how does goal setting truly influence productivity?

One of the ways goal setting affects personal productivity is that it is able to provide individuals with a strong sense of motivation to work towards their goals. Goal setting offers people with a clear picture of what they want to achieve in the future. Whether it’s to develop new skills, travel, or lose weight. This clarity allows them to focus on their goals, minimizing the possibility of distractions.

Another element of effective goal setting revolves around its measurability. With clear and concise goals on hand, it is possible to accurately measure and gauge one’s progress toward a particular goal. 

A simple example of this is the clear goal of losing weight. If you have a specific number in mind, it can be easy to track how far or close you are to achieving this objective. Furthermore, you can adjust your efforts depending on your progress. The farther you are to your goal, the more effort you need to put in to meet this within the given time frame


Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals

A key element of effective goal setting is that it needs to be clear, concise, and well-defined. Considering this, SMART goal setting is a methodological approach used to ensure that objectives are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-bound (SMART).

SMART goal setting is typically used in organizational planning. It allows entrepreneurs and leaders to set goals and objectives that can be accurately monitored and measured. The purpose of SMART goal setting stays the same when applied on a personal level. 

SMART goal setting starts with identifying clear and well-defined goals. Let’s use the example of losing weight. In SMART goal setting, it is not enough to say that you want to lose weight., Instead, the ideal approach is to determine a clearer objective, such as achieving a desired body weight and meeting this goal within a specific period of time. 

The next step is to determine whether your goal is measurable. Using the same example, it is easy to gauge progress depending on the amount of weight you lose as time passes by. You can also monitor your progress depending on how much weight you have lost in a matter of matter days, weeks, or months. This gives you a better idea of your progress and how much effort you need to put into achieving your goal.

Another element of SMART goal setting is to ask if your goal is actionable. Using the same example, the goal of losing weight is achievable through a series of actions, such as exercising and practicing a healthy and balanced diet. Considering this, it is safe to say that this goal is also reasonably achievable and thus realistic.

Lastly, a critical part of SMART goal setting revolves around achieving goals within a particular time frame. Having a set deadline for completion helps boost productivity by ensuring motivation and drive.


Goal Setting Tips To Boost Productivity

Source: Unsplash

Now that you have a better understanding of the concept of goal setting as well as the steps involved in determining SMART goals, let’s move on to the practical tips in the goal-setting process that can help in boosting your productivity.


Start small to achieve bigger results

One of the biggest killers of motivation is pressure. So, while it is important to set big goals to create a sense of excitement and increase motivation, it is critical to not overburden yourself. Keep in mind that goals should be realistic. Thus, it demands consistency more than periodic grandiose efforts.

With this in mind, it is better to start and stick with small, more realistic, and achievable steps that will ultimately lead you to your goals.


Celebrate small wins and milestones

Progress tracking is an important part of effective goal setting. It helps you realize that your efforts are taking you closer to your goal. However, it is not enough to simply know that you’re progressing. 

Instead of waiting for the end results to allow yourself to celebrate, give yourself the recognition and praise of achieving even small achievements or milestones. This can keep you driven and motivated to continue persisting until you achieve your main goal. 


Hold a sense of accountability

Goal setting is a personal strategy that aims to boost motivation and increase productivity. However, the way this technique can easily motivate is the same way that it can lose it effect. To prevent this from happening, it is important for people to have a sense of accountability for their goal-setting efforts.

As mentioned earlier, consistency is more important. Thus, discipline and commitment play a huge role in meeting goals, especially long-term ones. Considering this, consider involving more people than yourself in your endeavor.

Having a support system to offer you words of encouragement when you are feeling unmotivated can push you to continue putting in the effort. Leverage peer pressure as a positive force that can hold you accountable and push you to perform consistently. 



In a fast-paced world filled with distractions, productivity is something that everyone strives for. From adopting time management strategies to utilizing an array of productivity tools, most people are willing to do everything that it takes to achieve optimal productivity and efficiency on a regular basis.

Unbeknownst to many, a simple yet powerful strategy lies in their ability to motivate themselves and maintain the discipline it takes to achieve their goals.

The act of goal setting is capable of giving people the focus, motivation, and discipline that they need to consistently perform at their best. In addition to that, it can also keep them on track and pointed in the right direction toward a specific outcome. 

Both long-term and short-term goals are critical to effective goal setting. Long-term goals provide you with the bigger picture and create a sense of excitement necessary to feel motivation. On the other hand, short-term goals consist of the actionable steps needed to be taken to achieve the bigger goal. 


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