Developments in the tech industry brought the world tons of innovation. From the creation of computers, the internet, and mobile devices. As the world continues to advance through technology, there also came an overwhelming amount of opportunities. And one of the doors that opened in the digital world is the virtual assistant industry.


What is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant (VA) is an individual that provides support to a client. However, the main point of difference is that VAs work remotely. They rely on the internet and digital tools to offer their services to clients all around the world.

Today, many global companies and businesses tap the services provided by virtual assistants. They are primarily hired to perform administrative tasks and customer service. However, the scope of responsibilities of VAs also varies. Virtual assistant services may also include activities such as social media management, content creation, graphics design, and more.


Why Do Businesses Hire Virtual Assistants?

Source: unsplash


Businesses hire virtual assistants for various reasons than just needing an extra pair of hands. Generally, businesses benefit significantly from the support that virtual assistants provide for them.

According to a 2020 report, hiring remote assistants from different parts of the world can save companies on operating costs. It shows that businesses save up to 78% in costs when compared to hiring an in-house assistant. This is because VAs allow businesses to save on equipment, office space, supplies, internet plans, and more.

Aside from that, there is also a significant difference in salary costs between in-house and virtual assistants. The top locations where virtual assistants come from are India and the Philippines. The average salary cost for VAs coming from India is roughly $288/month. On the other hand, those from the Philippines have a slightly higher average of $400/month. Regardless, this is still exponentially cheaper when compared to hiring a VA from New York that averages more than $3,500/month.

A study conducted by Google Workplace Analytics also found VAs to be more productive. The 2021 report showed that VAs are 43% more productive than in-house assistants. In addition to that, they are also 20 to 25% more productive than other company employees.


Why Become a Virtual Assistant?

Source: unsplash


Companies and businesses benefit significantly from the services of virtual assistants all over the world. However, one question that needs to be answered is: why should you be interested in becoming a virtual assistant? Well, becoming a virtual assistant also has its advantages.

One of the most notable benefits of becoming a virtual assistant is the flexibility and autonomy it provides. As individual contractors, VAs have control over their time. They are normally not required to log in at specific times and spend a specific number of hours. Aside from that, VAs also don’t have to worry about complex collaborative work with other employees or team members.

With the power to choose when to work, VAs have the capability to work 20 to 30 hours weekly. This is significantly less compared to the traditional 40-hour work week applied in most companies. Aside from that, VAs can choose where to work – at home, in the office, in a coffee shop, or even by the beach!


While the freelancing industry has its own set of struggles, studies show that the majority of independent contractors or freelancers are proud of their careers. At the same time, a report states that freelancers also feel happy working independently and find their work to be purposeful.

The average salary for VAs varies depending on their location. However, data shows that a VA professional can earn around $400 to $5,600 a month. In addition, the demand for virtual assistants continues to increase over the years. A recent report states that more than 80% of global companies plan to adopt a more flexible workforce. This includes hiring a freelancer or a remote individual contractor such as VAs.


If you want to know more about virtual assistants, Sidekicks can help. We are an on-demand virtual company and we’re eager to help visionaries and entrepreneurs like you. Get a free ebook and learn more about how we can help you by signing up for our newsletter. We also offer a free 30-minute consultation if you prefer something more personal.