Time is people’s most valuable and precious resource. In situations where we feel like we are short of time, it is important that we know how to utilize best our limited time. Having an established routine and a habit can help people learn how to use their time best.

Time management techniques are strategies developed to prevent people from wasting time and procrastinating. They keep people aware of the time they spend and the amount of work they are able to do within a given time period. Ideally, time management strategies help people save time by keeping them focused.

However, time management strategies are designed for more than just saving time. Instead, it also encourages people to be more efficient and productive. In such a fast-paced world and environment, top-notch time management skills can easily spell the difference between failure and success.

This article will discuss different time management strategies and share tips on how these techniques can help boost your productivity.


5 Time Management Hacks To Boost Productivity

Source: Pixabay

Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is one of the most popular time management strategies. Invented by the renowned entrepreneur Francesco Cirillo, this method emphasizes the need for focus time and regular small breaks.

The Pomodoro Technique involves two critical steps. First, you need to choose a task that needs to be done. If you are working on a big task or project, it is best to break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. 

The next step is to set a timer for a specific amount of time your want to dedicate to working on your task. Each interval should be enough to finish a task or part of a bigger assignment. After each interval, give yourself time to take a short 3 to 5-minute break. 

This break should still be used productively, such as grabbing a drink, stretching your legs, or simply taking your eyes off of the computer. Having a quick break after one focus session would give your mind some time to rest but not enough to lose focus and momentum completely.Repeat these steps three to four more times. The most used interval for this technique is often 20:10 or 25:5, repeated four times to complete a set of 2 hours. After this, you can take 20- to 30-minute breaks between sets to prevent burnout.


Pareto Principle

The Pareto principle is a method developed by Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist. Also referred to as the 80/20 rule, the Pareto principle believes that 20% of our actions bear responsibility for 80% of results. This concept emphasizes the importance of prioritizing tasks in order to effectively and efficiently face and solve problems.

The first step involved in the Pareto method is to identify tasks, problems, issues, or challenges you want to solve. Then, you need to determine the root cause of each problem. The next step is to decide how important each problem is based on your priorities. Assign a number for each one – the higher the number, the more important it is. 

The idea of the Pareto principle is to encourage people to focus on the top 20% of their tasks for 80% results. Keeping people focused on what’s important allows them to accomplish more significant tasks than wasting time on less impactful or urgent assignments.


Eat the Frog

The Eat The Frog technique is closely similar to the Pareto principle. This method also follows the same concept of putting the more important or challenging tasks as the top priority. 

The Eat The Frog method was derived from a famous quote from a Mark Twain novel. It says, “Eat a live frog the first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” 

Following this idea, this method encourages people to start their day working on the most arduous task before proceeding to the smaller projects at the end of the day. This will allow people to accomplish the most important task first and give their minds enough time to warm up and gain enough momentum to simply breeze through the less challenging tasks left for the day.


Parkinson’s Law

Created by British historian Cyril Northcote Parkinson, Parkinson’s Law is based on the quote, “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” In the realm of time management techniques, Parkinson’s Law teaches that the amount of time people give themselves to finish a task would be the time it would take to complete them.

Parkinson’s Law work in time management as it encourages people to set realistic deadlines and avoid allotting too much time to a simple task. For example, if it’s possible to finish a job within 2 hours, don’t allow 4 to 5 hours for it. Not only does this method help manage time better, but it also helps people to be more productive and efficient when doing their tasks.


2-Minute Rule

The 2-minute rule is a fairly simple but surprisingly effective way to manage time and avoid procrastination. This technique follows the concept that if a task is doable within minutes or less, then take tackle it immediately.

This time management strategy does not only prevent procrastination, but it also allows people to clear off smaller tasks from their to-do lists. The act of crossing a task off a list, whether big or small, can inspire them to do more and boost their momentum. Such practice also rids people of minute tasks that could’ve taken space in their minds if left unattended. 


Simple Time Management Tips To Increase Productivity

Source: Unsplash

Aside from practicing these time management techniques, here are some more practical tips that can help boost your productivity.


  • Take advantage of what motivates you – In order to push yourself to work faster and harder, find things that will motivate you to finish as soon as possible. Think of motivators such as a nice hot meal, a relaxing bath, some alone time, or the chance to play your favorite video game. Keeping these in mind can encourage you to stay focused and complete your tasks immediately to enjoy more time for your pleasure.


  • Be organized – Keeping yourself properly managed and organized can prevent you from spiraling. Before starting work, prepare your desk, have everything you need within arm’s reach, and get rid of any litter or clutter that may distract you. 


  • Avoid distractionsDistractions are one of the most prevalent reasons people lose track of their actions. In order to stay focused for longer periods, get rid of any possible distractions within your vicinity. Keep your mobile phone silent or do not disturb, use noise-canceling headphones, and completely devote your attention to the task.


  • Use productivity tools – technology has come a long way to help people stay focused and productive. In order to increase your productivity at work, utilize an array of productivity tools such as task management software, communication tools, time tracking tools, and so on. Doing this will keep you accountable for how much you work and the amount of time you spend working. 



Considering how fast the world goes, it is important that people know how to manage their time correctly. Every minute counts when you have tons of work to do and a life you want to live. Practicing and incorporating these time management techniques into your daily routine can help you find that much-wanted work-life balance. 


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