Podcasts are one of the newest media consumed online. While most people typically watch video content on platforms like YouTube, the number of podcast listeners worldwide is increasing by the minute. According to recent reports, there are over 424 million podcast listeners globally and over 5 million podcast channels with more than 70 million episodes in total. Despite this, there is still quite a competition to gain audiences in the podcast industry.

When it comes to mainstream podcast platforms, Spotify and Apple Podcasts are considered some of the most popular. Both apps are easily accessible and are already on people’s radar as they are also used to stream music.

The latest data puts the number of podcast listeners on Spotify at 32.5 million while Apple Podcast holds roughly 28.5 million. Thus, streaming on these platforms offers a greater chance of visibility to a significantly larger audience. 

For this article, let’s take a closer look at Spotify as a podcast app and identify the different ways to boost traffic and gain an audience for your podcast


Helpful Tips To Boost Podcast Visibility on Spotify

Source: Pexels

Utilize podcast trailers

Spotify podcast trailers serve as a short introduction to what the channel or podcast episode is about. The goal is to provide potential listeners with an idea as to what kind of content to expect when they listen to your podcast.

Generally, the format of choice when it comes to podcast trailers would be video. However, creators also have the option to simply use audio instead. 

There are different types of podcast trailers depending on their purpose or objectives. 

The Coming Soon trailer is used to excite the audience with new and fresh content that you are going to publish. The Promotional teaser is mainly used to advertise an already existing show and it includes details as to what the podcast is all about, the theme, niche, and the like.

Promotional teasers can also be used outside of Spotify and posted on different platforms such as social media and other websites. Lastly, the In-The-Next-Episode podcast trailer is a short teaser as to what is immediately coming next. 

Basically, podcast trailers are used to entice, encourage, and engage audiences in order to start listening to your podcast and to stick to it long-term. 


Optimize your podcast landing page

Source: Unsplash

There are thousands of other podcast channels on Spotify. So what happens when a user lands on your channel? One way to encourage potential listeners to explore your show is to optimize your podcast’s landing page. The show page serves much like a home page where a visitor should be able to get a good grasp of what your channel is all about with a quick look. If your Spotify podcast landing page is not designed properly, anyone passing through podcast channels can easily dismiss your show.

The Spotify show page or landing page includes crucial information about your channel. This includes the podcast title, the podcast artwork, the show description, the list of your published episodes, and then the follow button. It is a quick and easy way to access everything that a potential listener would want to look through and hopefully listen to.

Your podcast title and artwork should help identify your podcast theme and content. Design them in a way that shows the character and personality of the channel. As for your show description, it is important to make it enticing, interesting, and thought-provoking. However, it should also be short and direct to the point. Make it like a teaser that would push listeners to consume your content to know more.


Maximize your podcast SEO

If you want to improve your Spotify podcast’s visibility, make sure to optimize your channel so that it would pop up in search engines. Podcast elements such as your titles and descriptions play a crucial role in improving your channel’s overall online visibility. Much like any other SEO marketing campaign, podcast SEO also utilizes targeted keywords. 

As much as possible, make your podcast title reflect the target keyword, audience, and market. If you’re a tech enthusiast, use specific terms such as AI to make it easier to identify as a tech niche podcast. The same goes for your episode titles and descriptions. Include target and related keywords so that search engine analytics can boost your ranking and visibility online. 


Promote your podcast on other social media platforms

Increasing the visibility of your Spotify podcast does not mean that you are limited to advertising on the app. Aside from improving your channel’s onsite performance, another way to promote your channel is to advertise it outside of Spotify and on larger social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.  

Oftentimes, effective digital marketing strategies are not limited to just one channel or campaign. Instead, it involves several marketing efforts targeting different audiences and markets. Repurpose your podcast content and turn them into snippets, highlights, audiograms, or simply a remarkable tweet. The idea is to entice people with a part of your content in order to encourage them to listen to the whole episode. 


Be visible on other podcasts

One quick way to increase your podcast’s visibility is for you to be visible on other channels. Inviting a guest or being a guest at other podcasts allows you, your personality, and your character to be visible outside of the comforts of your podcast channel. Adding in a guest from time to time can bring in lots of benefits. It can make your episodes more entertaining and engaging as you converse with someone with fresh insights and inputs. 

In terms of growing your audience, a guest to your show means that you are drawing their audience to your channel. If their audience liked you, then there would be a high possibility that they stay. The same goes when it comes to boosting your podcast’s visibility.

Whether you have a guest on your channel or you appear on other’s podcasts, you are showing and introducing yourself to their audience. Aside from that, collaborating with other podcasters means that you would be part of their promotional activities as well, thus, increasing your visibility and their awareness of your brand and channel. 



Starting a podcast show from the ground up can be challenging. If your Spotify podcast channel is not growing or gaining an audience, knowing how to boost your visibility on the platform can be a way to draw in more listeners. If you’re not adept at marketing tools such as search engine optimization and script writing, hire virtual assistants that can lend you a helping hand. 

Unlike the common misconception, virtual assistants do more than just answer phone calls and work on administrative tasks. Remote work VAs out there can also help in content creation and help you improve your podcast’s visibility. 


Want to know more about how virtual assistants can help your channel? Sidekicks is an on-demand virtual company and we’re eager to help visionaries and entrepreneurs like you. Get a free ebook and learn more about how we can help you by signing up for our newsletter. We also offer a free 30-minute consultation if you prefer something more personal.