Leaders have a significant role and impact on the quality of work environments. Thus, their leadership style can also affect their employees’ experience.

Delegative leadership is a unique management style as it emphasizes employee empowerment. Delegative leaders don’t micromanage. Instead, they rely on their employees to do their jobs with little to no supervision. Considering this, delegative leaders also build rapport and trust among their team members.

However, adopting a delegative leadership style can be challenging. Some leaders need help to delegate work properly. At the same time, others are too unfamiliar with this hands-off management approach.

With that, here are some tips to help you transition to the laissez-faire leadership style and become an exceptional delegative leader.


What Is Delegative Leadership?

Before anything, let’s discuss what a delegative leadership style is.

Delegative leadership is a management strategy that uses task delegation techniques to assign responsibility. This is a hands-off approach that prevents micromanaging by providing team members with autonomy. Leaders delegate work and trust employees to accomplish their tasks without constant monitoring. 

Under this circumstance, employees feel empowered as they have absolute authority over their work. They have the power to make decisions as they see fit. They also enjoy freedom and flexibility as to how they want to do their jobs.

One of the many advantages of a delegative style of leadership is that employees feel seen. It can also improve employee engagement and satisfaction.

With a proper delegation process, this approach can also boost productivity, save time, and encourage growth.

However, delegative leadership also has its fair share of risks and drawbacks.

Because of the lack of supervision, this approach poses the risk of low-quality outputs. There is also the issue of poor communication leading to misunderstandings and miscommunications. 

Furthermore, there is the grey area of who is responsible for results that can bring fear and anxiety to employees.


How To Become An Effective Delegative Leader

Source: Pexels

A delegative style of leadership may seem complex. However, aspiring leaders who want to adopt this technique can learn how to become more effective. With that, here’s everything you need to know about the delegative approach. 


Qualities Of A Good Delegative Leader

To answer the question of what makes a good and effective delegative leader, let’s first look at some key characteristics and qualities. 



Delegative leadership involves a lot of trust. Leaders need to fully trust their employees to prevent micromanaging. At the same time, team members also need to share the same level of trust that their leader believes in their capabilities to be delegated work. In addition, they should also trust that leaders can provide them with the resources they need to do their job.

A trustworthy leader is key to building strong and respectful relationships critical in a delegative approach. Employees with a high level of trust in their leader are more motivated and committed to performing to the best of their abilities to avoid disappointment. 

Good Mentor and Motivator

While the laissez-faire style of leadership involves delegating most work to employees, it is important to remember that leaders still have a role in guiding and leading their team members. 

Considering this, another key characteristic of a good delegative leader is that they are exceptional mentors and motivators. Provide employees with the right amount of guidance and training before completely letting them work independently. Leaders also should present themselves as role models that team members can rely on and look up to. 

Aside from that, leaders should also consistently find ways to motivate their employees to maintain a high level of satisfaction. Encouraged employees are likelier to perform at their best and maintain good efficiency and productivity. 



Being a leader is not just about getting things done. While the business side of the company needs to maintain efficiency and productivity, employee well-being should be a priority as well. 

Considering this, a good leader is someone who can show great empathy towards their team members. Acknowledging individual circumstances and providing flexibility is one way to show employees their value to the company. 


Essential Delegation Skills 


Communication Skills

Proper and effective communication is key when it comes to leading a team. They must know how to effectively deliver a message to lead and guide their teams correctly. Considering this, a delegative leader should have exceptional communication skills.

Delegative leaders should be able to eloquently tend to concerns and answer inquiries. They should also provide clear instructions and disseminate information to team members properly.

Having the ability to communicate effectively can help leaders in the delegation process. With their skill, they can trust that their employees understand their orders fully to produce quality results.

However, communication is more than just talking. Listening is also an important skill good leaders need to have to lead their team effectively. Build a work environment that encourages open communication and actively seeks team members’ opinions and ideas.


Analytical Skills

The delegation process comes with a lot of preparation. Leaders need to have analytical skills to determine the tasks to delegate and identify the right person for the job. 

Analytical skills also allow delegative leaders to change, adjust, and adapt to situations. It is also a critical skill when it comes to making decisions about important matters.


Problem-Solving Skills

It is inevitable for teams to face challenges. Considering this, delegative leaders should be well-equipped to tend to problems.

Although delegative leadership puts employees on the wheel, it is still the leader’s responsibility to act whenever their employees are facing difficulties. Good leaders should always stay on top of their team’s progress and are quick to act whenever there is trouble.

However, it is important to remember that delegative leaders should not hover. When an employee is facing an issue or problem, give them ample time to tend to it by themselves. If it persists, then it would be your time to offer your help and step in. 


Motivational Skills

Aside from being good leaders, they should also be good mentors and motivators. Constant motivation coming from a leader can boost employee confidence and satisfaction. And when employees are happy, they are more likely to perform well.

Considering this, leaders should know how to properly and effectively motivate their team members. Learning different ways to encourage your team can make employees feel more engaged. Use a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators to cater to your employees’ preferences and needs.


Social Skills

Trust is an important factor in a delegative management approach. Leaders should be able to trust their employees and vice versa to build strong foundations crucial in delegating tasks. To do this, delegative leaders should know their employees personally. 

Understanding your team member’s skills, character, and aspirations can help you in deciding what specific tasks to delegate to someone. 



A delegative leadership style can work wonders. Team leaders can empower their employees while they save time to work on more important tasks. However, adopting this approach may not be as easy as one might think. Aside from learning how to delegate tasks properly, leaders need to prepare themselves for such a role. 

Delegative leaders take on a supportive role and allow employees to handle projects with little to no supervision. To do this, they should have a high level of trust and a good understanding of what their team members are capable of. They should take the time to build relationships and establish a work culture and environment that will back this unique management approach. 


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