In today’s highly digital world, the demand for virtual assistants continues to rise. However, more than mere demand is the need for high-quality VAs capable of providing amazing support services to their clients. This further strengthens the sense of competition in an already competitive market. 

With the advancements in information technology and the remote work industry, access to training programs and online courses is easy. Ultimately, this opens the doors for anyone to start a career as a virtual assistant

Considering this, it is essential that virtual assistants be self-aware and critical in gauging their current skills and abilities. To remain competitive, virtual assistants must continuously grow and develop their skills and further their knowledge about the industry. 

With this in mind, here are some practical tips that can help virtual assistants become better at their role as support service providers to businesses and organizations online. 


The Rise Of Remote Virtual Assistants: An Overview

Online support services have existed in the digital world for some time. However, only recently did the virtual assistant industry blossom into the global powerhouse it is today. 

According to recent reports, there are more than 30 million freelance and remote workers worldwide. In 2020, the practice of hiring offshore virtual assistants increased by 41%, and countries such as the Philippines and India are the top sources of VAs for English-based businesses. 

Online businesses and global organizations hire virtual assistants to provide various services to increase productivity and efficiency. Some of the most common tasks given to VAs revolve around administrative and office management, such as email and phone correspondence, scheduling, file and data management, data entry, etc.

However, other virtual assistants provide more technical and specialized support services. These require more knowledge, experience, and skills. This includes graphic design, search engine optimization, content creation, website development, finance and accounting, and more. 

Studies on the freelance and remote work industry report that companies save 78% in costs when hiring remote virtual assistants. Aside from lower operating costs, businesses can also save money on taxes as they are not required to provide employment benefits such as health insurance, vacation days, and sick and paid leave. 

Despite this, the freelance industry continues to grow around the world. Research predicts that the population of freelancers in the US will reach 86.5 million by 2027. According to freelancers, the most notable benefits of their jobs include flexibility, autonomy, and convenience, given that most remote employees work comfortably at home. 


5 Tips To Become A Better Virtual Assistant

Source: Pexels


Exercise Effective and Meaningful Communication

Communication is a primary element in remote work setups. Since virtual assistance is a global industry, it is highly likely for a VA to come across clients from across the globe. Therefore, most communication would rely on online and digital platforms. 

Virtual assistants need to learn how to communicate effectively using online channels. The most common strategy in online methods of communication is to be as concise as possible. Aside from that, minimize the use of complex languages and use simple terms and words instead.

This helps minimize the risks of misunderstandings and miscommunication, which are persistent in remote work and digital communications.

However, communication with clients is not always work-related. Remember that despite the nature of the virtual assistance industry, you are not a robot or an artificial intelligence (AI) program.

Instead, you are capable of making connections and building relationships. With this in mind, virtual assistants must also sharpen their people skills to communicate better with their employers through meaningful casual interactions and conversations. 

Another helpful tip when dealing with international clients is to be wary of cultural differences and other language barriers that can make effective communication difficult.


Leverage Free Training Programs and Online Courses

Source: Unsplash


The internet is a well of knowledge. There are many ways to gain new knowledge, learn new skills, or simply educate yourself. Virtual assistants, in particular, can benefit greatly from abundant online knowledge.

However, one of the most effective and powerful ways to leverage the internet to become a better virtual assistant is to take advantage of the numerous free training programs and online courses.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, several renowned institutions and organizations offered free courses tackling various topics, industries, and niches – anywhere from graphic design to computer programming, content creation, and more. 

While the pandemic has long passed, there are still numerous online classes available that anyone can take for free. Some even provide certifications as proof that you have completed the course, adding to your credentials. 


Invest in Your Home Office

Working from home is supposed to be convenient. Imagine clocking in to work with just a few steps instead of hours of travel to and from the office. With remote work, all virtual assistants need to do is fire up their computers, and they are ready to go.

Despite this, work-from-home setups also have their challenges. One revolves around the conduciveness and comfort of working in a house instead of an actual office setup.

Traditional office environments are designed to encourage long periods of productivity without sacrificing comfort. That is why most offices have bright lights, ergonomic chairs, and many organization and storage options. These are all meant to encourage focus and minimize distractions. 

With this in mind, it is equally important for virtual assistants to recreate an equally conducive and comfortable setup while working from home. 

First, identify a space in your house that you can turn into and use as your home office. Whether it be an actual room or just a nook in the corner, the goal is to establish a designated working area where you can sit and stay and work focused and uninterrupted.

Then, try to build an ergonomic setup. Start with the table and chair. Remember that there are standards when it comes to table heights, and there are ergonomic office chairs specifically designed to support the body when sitting to avoid discomfort and fatigue.


Ensure Productivity Through Effective Time Management

Source: Unsplash


It is often easy to lose track of time when staying at home. One minute, you’re sitting comfortably on your couch, and then you find yourself browsing social media for hours or, better yet, taking a nap. So, while working from home is convenient, virtual assistants need to maintain a productive and efficient schedule.

One way to do this is to practice and adopt a time management strategy specifically created to prevent waste of time and ensure productivity. 

When it comes to time management strategies, one of the most popular is the Pomodoro technique. This method uses intervals to set periods of long focus and the much-needed breaks in between. This strategy does not only boost productivity but also helps prevent burnout, fatigue, and mind exhaustion.

Other popular time management strategies include the Time Block method, where you set a designated time block for specific tasks and activities, and the Pareto Analysis, where tasks are categorized and worked on based on their importance and urgency. 


Stay on Top of Technology and Industry Innovations

Technology is a pivotal element of remote work and the virtual assistant industry. Since virtual assistant jobs revolve around online platforms and digital channels, staying on top of the latest trends, changes, and innovations in the tech industry can allow VAs to keep up with the demands in skills, knowledge, and expertise. 

Virtual assistants come across various online tools, platforms, and software. However, remote virtual assistants’ most common applications include project management programs and communication tools. This includes Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, Asana, Trello, Slack, Zoom, and more. 

With this in mind, virtual assistants need to expand their knowledge and skills using these programs to keep up with the latest updates and ensure they can utilize these tools effectively. 




With the growing number of virtual assistants worldwide, VAS needs to find ways to stay competitive against other VAs in the industry.

One way to do this is to continue enhancing the skills essential to their jobs as VAs. This includes taking online courses and training programs to learn more and develop their current arsenal. Finding courses that provide certifications at completion is a bonus, as it can be a key factor in your resume that edges out others.

Another strategy to become a better VA is to pay close attention and invest in their established remote work environment and routine. One of the pitfalls of remote work is that the lack of direct supervision and monitoring leads to procrastination. So, to avoid this and instead boost productivity, it is crucial for VAs to have exceptional personal management.

Start by building a daily routine to follow and ensure productivity, even during off or slow days. In addition, adopt time management strategies that can help boost efficiency. Furthermore, create a conducive home office that can make working from home more enticing and comfortable.

Lastly, look for ways to make yourself more attractive to clients and employers. Enhance your communication skills and strive to build social networks that can be beneficial in the long run. Staying on top of the latest trends, developments, and innovations in the VA industry can also be key to bagging the top virtual assistant jobs available.


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