Facebook is a dominating social media platform. With nearly 3 billion active users worldwide, it is one of the most accessible social media sites for people of all ages.

Considering this, it is no wonder why brands and businesses quickly drive their marketing efforts on Facebook. From the platform’s advertising programs to Facebook messenger chatbots, businesses can greatly benefit from the wide range of ecommerce features and tools Facebook offers. 

But how does Facebook marketing really work? Find out in this social media platform explained article about the power and potential of Facebook for marketing. 


Why Use Facebook For Marketing

Source: Pexels

Digital marketers believe that social media marketing works. But what makes Facebook particularly great for online advertising?


Reach large and diverse audiences

One of the primary reasons digital marketers choose Facebook is its wide user base. According to the latest reports, Facebook has roughly 2.9 billion active users and is continuously growing. This is significantly larger than other popular social media platforms like YouTube, with 2.1 billion, and Instagram, with 1 billion monthly active users.

However, Facebook’s user base is not just large but also demographically diverse. Facebook users span the ages of 13 and older. The highest age group falls between the ages of 25 to 34 years old (30%), followed by 18 to 24 years old (21.5%) and 35 to 44 years old (19.3%). 

Considering this, Facebook offers a great opportunity for digital marketers to find and locate their target audience within its massive user base.


Various strategies for engagement

Brands and online businesses live for online engagement. It gives them the necessary visibility and traction to drive traffic and increase sales. 

One of the beauties of Facebook marketing is that it offers a wide range of features and tools that work with various marketing strategies. 

Starting a marketing funnel? Facebook can help you effectively target customers at different stages of their journey. Facebook Ads can show sponsored stories and video ads perfect for piquing and intriguing audiences. 

Those at the latter stages of the marketing funnel can also conduct more research and purchase products or services without leaving the Facebook platform.

Video marketing is also a popular strategy on Facebook, with various video content styles, such as Facebook Stories, Facebook Shorts, and Facebook Live. Don’t forget about other forms of social media engagement, such as likes, shares, and reactions, that allow audiences to interact and engage with Facebook posts accordingly. 


Comprehensive audience and page insights

Another reason why digital marketers love Facebook is because of its comprehensive audience and advertising insights. A clear idea of a campaign’s performance is essential for marketers to make suitable changes and adjustments that can help boost their marketing efforts.

Facebook’s Page Insights offers an array of reports and analyses on how your business page is doing. It shows an overview of your page activities and audience engagements. It tracks various factors involved in marketing and advertising, including the following.


  • Likes 

Facebook likes are considered one of the most basic forms of engagement and interaction on the platform. Facebook Page Insights can show the number of likes you’ve gained and lost over a period of time. It can also provide you with a graph that shows changes on a day-to-day basis. 

  • Reactions 

Facebook reactions are particularly unique to the platform. Aside from a simple like button, Facebook provides its users with a handful of reactions that can better show how they perceive a particular content. The count for Facebook reactions is further grouped based on the type – whether it’s laughter, love, anger, or sadness.

  • Page Views and Reach

Tracking Facebook page views and reach is one way to measure a page’s visibility and presence. The report on total page views and reach is categorized into organic and paid traffic. It utilizes a graph that can effectively show any spikes and downfalls in audience reach and engagement for a particular day or week. 


Steps In Building A Facebook Marketing Strategy

Source: Pexels

Now that you have a better idea of what Facebook can do let’s look into the hows of starting a marketing strategy on this platform.


Identify Target Audience

Determining your target audience is the first step in making a Facebook marketing plan. Facebook is a social media networking site with billions of users. While it’s possible to create an outbound marketing campaign designed for a general audience, having a specific market or demographic in mind can help create a more effective marketing strategy.

You would need to look at your brand’s buyer personas to do this. Determine the target market of your product or service and allow Facebook to discover the right users to advertise to. 

The good thing about Facebook marketing is that the platform has extensive information on people. Therefore, it can easily find and group individuals who might be interested in what you have to offer. 


Set Marketing Objectives

Before you put anything into action, you must determine your marketing goals. Doing this will allow you to design marketing efforts to meet your objectives. It can also be used as a reference to gauge your campaign’s performance.

Marketing on Facebook can be used for a variety of purposes. It is a powerful marketing tool that boosts online visibility, increases engagement, builds a customer base, and even drives sales. Facebook can also be used as a means to provide customer service, promote products, and generate leads. 


Build a Content Strategy

Content is the primary form of media used for Facebook marketing. So, for your content strategy, it is important to answer two questions – what to post and when.

The type of content you use for your Facebook marketing should also depend on your target audience and marketing goals. 

Are you looking to increase engagements? Then, consider posting social videos and other highly entertaining content. Facebook has a wide array of content types that you can utilize. However, knowing how to utilize them properly and effectively is important.

Once you’ve decided what to post, you can focus on figuring out when to post your content. Facebook Audience Insights provides digital marketers with detailed reports and analyses of their audience’s activity and behavior. From there, they can identify the most activity and engagement time and tailor their content schedules accordingly.

However, reports show that the ideal time to post on Facebook is between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., particularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 


Create and Optimize Facebook Page

A critical part of making an effective Facebook marketing strategy lies in your ability to optimize your page and content. Optimization is designed to make it easy for people to see and find you online by using relevant keywords related to your brand, industry, or niche. With that, here are some ways to optimize your Facebook business profile.

  • Add a profile photo and cover photo that shows your brand logo.
  • Include call-to-actions and interactive buttons to drive engagement.
  • Insert your contact information whenever possible.
  • Write a detailed business about section.


Social Media Platforms Explained: The Power of Facebook

Facebook is an extremely powerful digital marketing tool. However, brands and online businesses must know how to utilize it correctly and effectively.

When it comes to social media marketing, it is not enough to have a business profile. Online businesses must increase visibility, boost audience engagement, and establish a brand reputation. 

Luckily, Facebook offers a wide array of online marketing tools and features that can make advertising so much easier. Tools such as Facebook Ads and Audience Insights provide digital marketers with lengthy information about their marketing performance and find ways to improve their campaigns. 


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