Ecommerce has become more and more integrated in today’s highly digital landscape. In fact, a significant portion of consumers enjoy the convenience and accessibility online shopping has to offer.

However, running a trouble-free ecommerce website is a lot harder than you might think. It is not as simple as adding products and buttons onto a website with the hopes that it will work. Instead, building a fully functional ecommerce website requires tedious planning and, most importantly, testing to ensure seamless and quality customer experiences.

Considering this, it is essential for aspiring online business owners and website designers to understand the concept of A/B testing in the context of ecommerce. Furthermore, it is important to know how it works, as well as its contribution to ecommerce success. 

With this in mind, this blog aims to provide a comprehensive discussion on A/B testing, particularly on its process, importance, and benefits. 


What Is A/B Testing?

Also referred to as split testing, A/B testing refers to the process of examining different elements of an ecommerce website to check its performance and impact towards a specific goal or objective. A/B testing allows website developers to test their designs and their functionality in relation to another element within the website.

Through A/B testing, website developers can accurately identify points for improvement and set out changes to improve website functions and processes. Think of A/B testing a test run for a minute change in your ecommerce website. This process aims to determine if there are any significant changes in website performance and determine how these changes affect customer experience and satisfaction.

One simple example of A/B testing is changing the colors of the checkout button from green to red and checking if there is a significant difference in ecommerce performance metrics, such as cart abandonment rates and conversion rates. 

Keep in mind that A/B testing is and should be a permanent process in website development. Furthermore, split testing develops into an iterative process that continuously helps website builders reinvent and optimize their sites.


Reasons Why A/B Testing Is Essential In Ecommerce

Source: Pexels


Aside from learning the concept of A/B or split testing, it is also important to understand it in the context of online entrepreneurship and ecommerce. 

One of the advantages of implementing A/B testing is that results are based on numbers. Thus, performance differences are quantifiable. Not only will this paint a clearer picture, but it also opens an opportunity to analyze data based on their significance, value, and validity.

In addition to this, A/B testing can reduce the risks of executing changes. Instead of blindly reinventing your ecommerce website, A/B testing provides a more scientific approach to which aspects of your website need changes and improvements.

Split testing is designed to improve website performance and experience. It is a powerful tool that can accurately measure performance changes and provide insight into the effectiveness of a particular design. Ultimately, a seamless online experience can create wonders for other aspects of an ecommerce business. 


Better website return on ad spend

Marketing campaigns require significant resources. This is particularly true if you’re running paid advertising campaigns. A seamless website customer experience brought about by tedious A/B testing can reduce any possible friction a customer may come across with. 

Split testing can reduce website loading times, improve page and heading titles, and even create a more pleasing and engaging website aesthetic. The better the website performance, the more paid traffic comes and stays on your website, significantly reducing a business’s ad expenditure.


Higher customer lifetime value

Another benefit of split testing is that it creates an opportunity for website developers to build a more engaging and interesting design. This is not limited to its aesthetics, but A/B testing is also key in creating fully functional ecommerce steps and processes. 

The more seamless the customer experience, the more likely they are to become return customers. This in turn increases a customer’s lifetime value, allowing businesses to maximize their relationship with them. 


Reduce cart abandonment rates

One of the most common reasons why customers abandon their online shopping carts is due to poor user experience. This can pertain to something like a tedious checkout process, a slow and lagging website, and even the lack of a sense of security and reliability throughout the payment process.

Considering this, one of the purposes of A/B testing is to ensure that customers enjoy their stay and find no trouble when making a purchase or completing a transaction. A/B testing can help in optimizing a website’s checkout process and remote any friction, animosity, and confusion during the most important aspect of online entrepreneurship.


Understanding The A/B Testing Process

Source: Unsplash


Now that you have a better understanding of what A/B or split testing is, let’s look at how website developers utilize this process to create the ideal customer experience in their ecommerce websites.


Step #1: Determine test goals and objectives

Before anything else, it is essential for website developers to establish their test goals and objectives. Identify what aspects or elements of your website you want to test and improve to accurately track and monitor progress and performance changes that happen along the way.


Step #2: Identify website element to test

After setting your test goals, the next step is to determine the website element that you want to test. Aside from that, you should also develop an effective strategy for testing and gauging its performance. 

Some of the most popular test subjects in A/B testing in ecommerce websites are the likes of CTA buttons, website icons, product descriptions, page and topic headlines, and the like. The split test typically aims to determine if using a different design, color, placement, or wording can improve the website’s performance.


Step #3: Create variations of the test subject

To proceed to the testing process, the next step is to create variations of the test subject to gauge the difference in performance between the two. Ideally, A/B testing involves two variations. One serves as the control and the other as the challenger.

The control would feature the original design, and the challenger would have the changes designed to test whether there is a difference in the website’s performance. Keep in mind to test website variables one at a time to prevent confusion on which elements have brought about the results.


Step #4: Conduct the test

Now that you’ve set up two variants of the website, it is time to present these to the public. Keep in mind that it is essential to update the website designs simultaneously to prevent delays and other factors that can influence the results.

To conduct the A/B test, you must split your website users or audience into two different groups. One would interact with the control variant, while the other would solely interact with the “challenger” or altered version of the website. 

When categorizing your audience into the control and treatment groups, ensure that they are split randomly in order to reduce potential biases that can affect the validity of your test results. 

There are some strategies website developers can use to further optimize their split test. One is to ensure that no other changes are applied during the testing period. This will give each variant enough time to produce in-depth data without being disrupted by other factors.

Aside from that, it is also important to maximize exposure by taking advantage of larger sample sizes and conducting the A/B test more than once, with the hopes of replicating the initial results and minimizing errors. 


Step #5: Analyze test results

After giving your split test enough time to generate and collect insightful data, the next step would be to analyze the results in relation to your set goals and objectives. To do this, it is important to keep track of the relevant key performance indicators and metrics to accurately gauge whether or not to apply the changes permanently or to stick with the original design.

In order to come up with accurate results and conclusions, it is essential to utilize a scientific approach through statistical methods and analysis. These can help determine not only the changes but also the statistical significance and its impact on the website’s performance.

In cases where the results are rather inconclusive, it would be best to conduct the test again, ideally to a larger user base and for a longer period of time to collect more data.


Step #6: Implementing changes and continuing website optimization

For this final step, website developers can implement the changes as supported by their test results. For this part, it is important that changes are completed and applied to the entire website. Furthermore, it is essential to document the results and record the testing process for future reference and recommendations.



A/B testing is undoubtedly a critical step in creating a quality ecommerce website. One that customers would have no trouble visiting, browsing through, and ultimately purchasing from.

However, the idea of A/B testing can feel overwhelming and somewhat daunting. It requires careful consideration, planning, and analysis to accurately measure performances between two website variants and elements.

But despite the effort and resources needed to conduct a split test, ecommerce websites can benefit significantly. Not only will A/B testing improve their website design, but it can also contribute to the goal of improving key ecommerce performances such as conversion rates, customer lifetime values, and cart abandonment rates.


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