Product outsourcing has been a popular business strategy for business owners on Amazon. It is a highly versatile framework that opens the doors even for rookie entrepreneurs, as it requires minimal investment. 

However, outsourcing products to sell on Amazon is not as easy as it seems. Better yet, profiting from this business style is not as easy as it seems. Starting an Amazon business by outsourcing goods is a viable way to start. But, it takes a lot more planning and effort to begin profiting and, ultimately, grow. 

To help deal with this, here is a comprehensive guide on how to outsource products to sell on Amazon, particularly focusing on ways to maximize profits using this business model. 



What Is Product Outsourcing?


Before anything else, let’s define what product outsourcing exactly is. 

It is a common notion that entrepreneurs develop their products themselves. They come up with a product idea and then produce and refine it before selling it to the general public. Unfortunately, this business model is not the most accessible and sustainable, especially for rookie entrepreneurs or those with limited resources. 

However, changes in the business environment have opened brand-new opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs to start selling even without developing their products. It is also possible to start an online business without having to carry any inventory.

Also referred to as outsource product development (OPD), product outsourcing is a business strategy where businesses hire a third-party supplier, manufacturer, or firm to produce the items to sell online. 

Often tied with dropshipping practices, product outsourcing allows ecommerce businesses to sell their products online without handling inventory or customer logistics. This method is an effective strategy for online businesses to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve profits. 

Amazon’s own Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program encourages this strategy by providing sellers with warehouse and fulfillment centers that will process customer orders, from picking, packing, and shipping.


Benefits Of Outsourcing Products For Amazon Sellers

Source: Unsplash


The introduction of product outsourcing as a business model has greatly empowered aspiring entrepreneurs. With this business model, Amazon business owners don’t need to worry about product procurement, storage, inventory management, and even order fulfillment.

But what other benefits does product outsourcing have for online business owners? Here’s a closer look at the remarkable advantages of outsourcing products to sell on Amazon. 


Lower Investment Requirement

One of the main reasons why people opt to outsource their products when starting an Amazon business is because it asks for significantly less initial investment. Product outsourcing doesn’t require entrepreneurs to produce and develop a completely new product. Therefore, business owners don’t have to invest so much time, effort, and resources upfront just to create a unique product to sell.

When partnered up with dropshipping tactics, product outsourcing further minimizes the investment needed to start an Amazon business. Instead of buying the products from a third-party supplier, all they have to do is create an Amazon store and make all the arrangements necessary so that orders would be directed to and processed by the supplier themselves. 


Increased Efficiency

The practice of outsourcing products to sell on Amazon is also an effective way to minimize the effort needed to run an online store. A significant chunk of the workload, such as inventory management and order fulfillment, is no longer the business owner’s primary responsibility. Instead, it is processed autonomously by the third-party firm you’re in contract with.

Not only does outsourcing lighten the Amazon seller’s workload, but it also ensures that processes related to the product are conducted in the most efficient manner possible. Partnering with a third-party service provider who are experts in the field and industry can help ensure that customer fulfillment is processed effectively and efficiently. 

Considering all this, outsourcing can also help by increasing an entrepreneur’s overall efficiency. Instead of spending so much of their time worrying about product manufacturing, logistics, and fulfillment, they can focus on more valuable tasks related to scaling and expanding their business.


Cost Savings

Reducing the costs needed to run a business for the long term is a key driver of why entrepreneurs choose to outsource products to sell on Amazon rather than produce themselves. Hiring a third-party supplier or manufacturer eliminates the need for a significantly large upfront investment, such as production equipment, facilities, and even employees.  


Flexibility and Scalability

Another benefit of outsourcing products to sell on Amazon is that it does not limit the business to one specific item or niche. Instead, outsourcing further empowers Amazon business owners to continuously grow and expand by adding more to their product listings. All they have to do is coordinate with their existing supplier or find a different client to supply the additional products they want to include in their online shop. 

But aside from that, another unique advantage of product outsourcing is that operations are more flexible when it comes to meeting higher demands from promotions or seasonal sales. With outsourcing, Amazon sellers can accommodate a suspected increase in sales by coordinating early with the supplier.

Advantageous Partnerships

The benefits of outsourcing products are not limited to the process of acquiring products to start selling online. Another latent advantage of outsourcing is that it is an effective way to build valuable relationships with people in the industry. 

Collaborating with a supplier or firm can bring a ton of benefits, particularly when it comes to learning the inner workings of the industry. Having someone to partner with and learn from firsthand can provide more practical knowledge and wisdom than you can get from reading a book. 

Aside from that, another advantage of business partnerships is that entrepreneurs can take advantage of existing relationships between their partner supplier and other manufacturers. Through this, they can possibly get a cheaper deal or even a new partner for a different product.

More importantly, outsourcing products also reduces the risks in terms of the quality of the products. If you’re working with a reliable and trusted supplier, you don’t have to worry much about the quality of the products sent to your customers.


Guide To Outsourcing Products To Sell On Amazon

Source: Unsplash



Now that you have a better idea of what product outsourcing truly is let’s dive into the proper steps involved to ensure maximized profits.


Identifying the Right Products to Outsource


The first step in product outsourcing is determining the right products to sell on Amazon. It is critical to conduct in-depth research and analysis to understand what makes a certain product viable for online sale.

To do this, it is important for entrepreneurs to conduct detailed market research and trend analysis. This includes looking into different product niches and understanding the varying demands for certain products. Niche exploration should provide aspiring entrepreneurs with insights into the particular categories with the most demands. 

Another important factor to consider is the market trends surrounding a potential product. Trend identification and analysis can show entrepreneurs if a popular product at the moment is a mere fad or if it will still be in demand in the long term.

For Amazon sellers, one way to identify the right product to outsource is to utilize the platform’s own product ranking system. Amazon has several product categories based on its demand, popularity, and rating. These help identify the specific products that are in high demand and are currently in high demand from customers.

But other than the current market trends, it is also critical to look at your possible competition. Part of your market research should dwell on the possible risks or challenges if you choose a particular product. Aside from that, analyze the competition and see if there is still space for your brand and product or if that niche is already completely saturated. 


Choosing The Right Product Supplier


Once you’ve determined the most ideal product to sell on Amazon, the next step is to find the right supplier or manufacturer to partner with. A lot of your business success depends on the quality of suppliers you have. Therefore, it is critical to pay close attention to and find the most reliable partner to outsource products from, both in terms of the quality of the product and the business relationship.

But aside from reliability, it is also important to adequately negotiate your business contract with your supplier. Find a firm that is open to negotiations and won’t take advantage of you. Even better, find a supplier that is willing to negotiate and settle with terms favorable for both parties for the long term.


Finalizing Product Costs and Logistics


Maximizing profits when outsourcing products has a lot to do with the costs involved in acquiring the products in the first place. Based on your calculations, this is where you will draw your actual product pricing when you sell the products on Amazon. Aside from that, you can also draw your conclusion on whether or not it is actually possible to profit based on current market conditions.

However, there are several factors to consider when it comes to calculating costs to settle profitable pricing. One of the first things to take into consideration is the total costs to acquire the products. This includes the production costs as well as other associated costs, such as shipping and import fees, as well as fulfillment costs.

Aside from that, it is also critical to take into account the current market pricing. Spend some time and research the range of prices from competitor businesses and use this as a guide and basis on where you should place your prices at.

But before finalizing anything and signing any contracts, it is essential to know how to handle the risks involved in product outsourcing. Part of being a responsible business owner is to learn how to address potential risks and have contingency plans for possible issues. 

To do this, it is critical that entrepreneurs spend a good deal of time learning about the process of product outsourcing from inside and out. This will allow them to recognize anything unusual as well as possible disruptions that can cause further issues or delays. From there, they can come up with contingency plans that can address challenges with minimal impact on the overall business operations. 



Starting an Amazon business has been made easy with the use of product outsourcing. However, following this framework still requires a ton of planning and strategy to make it work. 

Before outsourcing any product to sell online, entrepreneurs must know if it’s profitable or not through in-depth research and analysis. Aside from that, it is also essential for business owners to find the most suited third-party supplier that they can trust and work with for the long term. 


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