A Comprehensive Guide To A Delegative Leadership Style

Leadership is a crucial factor that can affect an employee’s experience at work. It can influence their happiness, satisfaction, and commitment to work and the organization. On the flip side, poor leadership can also bring unnecessary stress, fatigue, and challenges that can affect employees’ productivity and motivation.  A delegative style of leadership revolves around empowering […]

How To Set Up QuickBooks For Small Business In Ecommerce

Starting a business in online retail or ecommerce is a challenging task. You start with learning about different ecommerce business models, then find the right business framework, build an ecommerce website, and create an effective marketing strategy.  While these steps get online stores up and running, there are more factors in online entrepreneurship that aspiring […]

How To Get Better At Delegating Tasks

Task delegation has always been a practice in any workplace. It’s a common occurrence for a manager to assign tasks, projects, and responsibilities to their team members in order to lighten their workload and accomplish their goals faster. However, many leaders and managers struggle to effectively utilize this framework to get the most output and […]

Marketing Strategies In Social Media Platforms Explained

Social media is part of everyone’s lives, especially for the younger generation. With billions of people browsing through social media platforms every day, there is no wonder why digital marketers have utilized these platforms as part of their marketing campaigns.  Creating a social media business profile is one of the first things that any online […]

How To Start A Career As A Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistance is one of the most popular remote working jobs. As more and more businesses and other organizations adopt online and digital work, the opportunities for remote employees and remote work grows by the minute. But the question is, how can someone start a career as a virtual assistant? Given that the virtual assistant […]