Video Marketing 101: Choosing A Storytelling Strategy

  Video content has been a key and defining element in today’s highly digital world. With the growing popularity of social media platforms and the proliferation of video content on all these channels, online users are easily exposed to a variety of videos whenever they browse the internet. But despite the popularity of video content, […]

Essential Things To Do When Creating Video Content

  Video content has remained a critical element in today’s highly digital world. From mainstream video-sharing platforms such as YouTube and TikTok to video livestreaming sites like Netflix, video content has never been more accessible than ever before. But along with this notion of accessibility is the growing demand for more content. With video content’s […]

Uncovering The Digital World: Social Media Platforms Explained

In today’s highly digital world, social media platforms have become one of the leading channels for people to connect and communicate with each other. Through the years, these social media platforms have evolved to create the perfect digital sphere for web users.  From Facebook’s simple user interface for social networking turning into a full-blown content […]

User-Generated Content For Video Marketing: A Complete Guide

Have you ever seen a content creator showing their audience their latest purchase? People can find this type of content on various social media platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. But did you know that this kind of video content format is a powerful video marketing tool? Having customers feature your brand, digital […]

Everything You Need To Know About Mobile Video Marketing

Mobile video marketing has become a critical part of popular online business strategies in today’s highly digital day and age. Mobile videos, such as TikTok videos and YouTube Shorts, are becoming effective and powerful marketing tools for ecommerce businesses, online brands, and digital marketers.  As mobile devices become more and more accessible and people’s attention […]

Using Podcasts For Content Marketing: What You Need To Know

Ecommerce or online entrepreneurship are highly competitive fields. Traditionally, businesses with physical stores have the luxury of focusing exclusively on rivals in the same area and niche. Unfortunately, circumstances are a lot different in the world of online business.  It is tougher to engage an audience and attract potential customers with e-commerce since you are […]

Helpful Tips For Conducting Engaging Podcast Interviews

Podcast interviews are the most popular format in the podcast industry. It typically involves a podcast host and a guest that will be interviewed about a particular topic or niche. Podcast interviews are often considered simple as the format opens opportunities to provide valuable information while creating engaging conversations with podcast guests. However, conducting an […]

The Pros And Cons Of Adding Video To Your Podcast Strategy

Podcasting has become a popular marketing strategy for digital marketers nowadays. More and more brands are using podcasts as a tool to promote and advertise their businesses, products, or services. According to the most recent reports, there are roughly 2.9 million podcast channels worldwide. This is even expected to balloon significantly in the next couple […]

Top Video Marketing Tools For Digital Marketers

Video content is extremely popular nowadays. Creators use videos as a form of media and entertainment, while brands leverage them for marketing. There is even a continuously growing demand for video content from web users. Considering this, more and more people are looking into video content creation.  However, video content creation is not as simple […]

Social Media Marketing Explained: Instagram Marketing

Instagram has become a widely popular social media platform. While the site started as a photo-sharing platform in 2010, it has evolved into a humongous platform with a wide variety of features. Acquired by Meta in 2012, Instagram’s popularity continued to grow and now has more than 2 billion monthly active users. But what exactly […]