Helpful Tips For Conducting Engaging Podcast Interviews

Podcast interviews are the most popular format in the podcast industry. It typically involves a podcast host and a guest that will be interviewed about a particular topic or niche. Podcast interviews are often considered simple as the format opens opportunities to provide valuable information while creating engaging conversations with podcast guests. However, conducting an […]

The Pros And Cons Of Adding Video To Your Podcast Strategy

Podcasting has become a popular marketing strategy for digital marketers nowadays. More and more brands are using podcasts as a tool to promote and advertise their businesses, products, or services. According to the most recent reports, there are roughly 2.9 million podcast channels worldwide. This is even expected to balloon significantly in the next couple […]

Building A Podcast Content Strategy

Have you ever thought about starting a podcast channel? Podcasting has been an increasingly popular type of media in recent years. More and more people in the digital industry are venturing into podcasting – whether it’s for marketing or simply a hobby. Regardless, it is a common goal among podcasters to gain a lot of […]

5 Great Podcasts for Virtual Assistants and Freelancers

Virtual Assistants and freelancers alike don’t have it easy even though they seem to have it all figured out. Managing your own work schedule, being your own boss, and handling as many clients you want all sound great and cool until you realize the many stresses that go with the job. Not only do you […]

Five Secrets Behind Successful Video Marketing

For the longest time, video marketers and content creators have been trying their hand at creating viral videos or making videos that leave a lasting impression. If a big number of views, shares, and engagement are elusive to you, perhaps you need to rethink how you’re creating your videos. Tips to Create Successful Video Content […]

Finding Work in Podcast Production

One would think that the demand for people working on podcast production is low. This is far from the truth, especially now that most podcast hosts are reaching out to experts remotely. The world is full of talented audio engineers, podcast writers, and editors, so if you’re one of these professionals looking to work in […]

Audio Engineering for Podcasters

When people hear about audio engineers, the first thing that comes to mind is people who tweak and mix sounds and music behind complicated consoles and machines. A lot of people associate audio engineers with music production and recording studios, but people forget that the success behind a podcast also lies behind an audio engineer. […]

What Tasks to Outsource in Podcast Production

Seasoned and starting podcasters will attest to the fact that there’s a lot that goes into producing a podcast episode. A time-consuming endeavor like Podcasting may be more worthwhile if you outsource tasks to help you manage your workload so you can focus on just the content. A podcaster who starts a show on their […]